There are two (2) kinds of people in this world; its either you’re a Path Finder or a Fault Finder. Do you see the good in everything and even the bad as well and use that to chart the way forward or do you get stuck on everything that has gone wrong and use that as justification to not move forward with your life? Path finders are resolute and stand on the promises that were/are declared over their lives because for them nothing can stop them from advancing to the next phase of their life. Interestingly enough they don’t see failure as a stop sign but rather they see failure as an opportunity to pause and make an assessment to re-establish themselves before moving forward once again. The reverse is also true for Fault Finders instead of working with the ninety nine percent (99%) of things that have gone right they find the one percent (1%) and zoom into it so much so that it becomes magnified as the 99%. What do you really see? Do you see possibi...
For many years I've been wearing many hats yet the thing that hurts is that none of those "HATS" were mine. At anytime all the positions that I occupied could be literally taken from me at any point then it hit me. Why not create a hat made by me and only for me that I have control over, that works for me in the way that I want it to work. So I took a leap of faith and launched out into many new experiences seeking to unearth the path that would guide me to that one discovery that I felt would make me satisfied. I wanted to have a "HAT" that would work even when I wasn't because its so designed that exceptional is the true highlight. Still not sure what a "HAT" is then its basically anything that is tangible that can be taken from you in away that "cuts you to the core" until it leaves a scare of your heart. Yet it's something that you are able to gain strength from if you decide to get pass yourself and the fear of loosing out a...