There are two (2) kinds of people in this world; its
either you’re a Path Finder or a Fault Finder. Do you see the good in
everything and even the bad as well and use that to chart the way forward or do
you get stuck on everything that has gone wrong and use that as justification
to not move forward with your life?
Path finders are resolute and stand on the promises
that were/are declared over their lives because for them nothing can stop them
from advancing to the next phase of their life. Interestingly enough they don’t
see failure as a stop sign but rather they see failure as an opportunity to
pause and make an assessment to re-establish themselves before moving forward
once again. The reverse is also true for Fault Finders instead of working with
the ninety nine percent (99%) of things that have gone right they find the one
percent (1%) and zoom into it so much so that it becomes magnified as the 99%.
What do you really see? Do you see possibilities even
in the worst situations or do you see endless despair? Better yet are you an
Optimist or a Pessimist? It's so important, the point of view that you hold
because ultimately it will determine your future even more than you know. You
must endeavor to allow your mentality/spirituality to always build pathways
geared towards taking you toward your destiny.
The prophetic book of Jeremiah declared “for I know the
plans I have for you, saith the Lord; thoughts of peace, and plans not of evil,
to give you an expected end". (Jeremiah 29:11) Those who are Path Finders accept
this promise with their whole heart even though there are times when it seems
all the evidence is stacked against this declaration coming to past. But their mindset is as that of Job who said though “he slay me yet will I trust Him” and as David said I will guard my “heart
because from it flows the issues of life” (Proverbs 24:3). Path Finder’s know
that “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7) as a result
they “strive to enter in at the straight gate” (Luke 13:24) because it is that
which will lead them to eternal life.
Fault Finder's are always cursing the day and living in dismay because of all the challenges others face and even more so the ones that they face on a day to day basis. They see life in a negative light and though they would love more than anything else to be positive and resolute, the fear of failure keeps them “pinned to the starting blocks of life”. If you’re in such a position there have gone before you many famous individuals who have failed more often that they have succeeded. A prime example is that of the famous scientist Thomas Edison who while inventing the light bulb didn’t achieve success after over 1000 attempts. When he was asked why he continued despite so many unsuccessful attempts, he said “I didn’t fail 1000 times. The bulb was an invention with 1000 steps”.
Failure is
one of the most important teachers that we have access to in our lives. We need
to embrace failure but embracing failure doesn’t mean that it's your intention
to fail its simply a part of the road map to success.