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Many Hats

 For many years I've been wearing many hats yet the thing that hurts is that none of those "HATS" were mine. At anytime all the positions that I occupied could be literally taken from me at any point then it hit me. Why not create a hat made by me and only for me that I have control over, that works for me in the way that I want it to work.   

So I took a leap of faith and launched out into many new experiences seeking to unearth the path that would guide me to that one discovery that I felt would make me satisfied. I wanted to have a "HAT" that would work even when I wasn't because its so designed that exceptional is the true highlight. 

Still not sure what a "HAT" is then its basically anything that is tangible that can be taken from you in away that "cuts you to the core" until it leaves a scare of your heart. Yet it's something that you are able to gain strength from if you decide to get pass yourself and the fear of loosing out again. 

The truth is that the "beast" inside eats away at each of us in so many ways but we have to stay strong by tapping into that special part of your physic that will enable you to master your environment. The challenges life throughs us is such a real killer that we often time don't see them coming until its too late and its during these periods of time that we often loose our "HATS"

Failure often times though not up to you; what you do this the position you find yourself in when you fail is up to you for sure. You can sit and wine and lick your wounds but don't think for one second that that's where you are meant to be at all. Shake yourself and give with the program after all your successes shouldn't only be externally motivated but it should come from the throne of your heart; that's wear your true "HAT" resides. 


Amazing writing 🔥 hot..very inspiring.

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