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The Industrial Age Begins


The Industrial Age Begins

Well we should by now know that the Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700’s more notable 1750 brought about by the following major changes;

1.      The Agricultural or Agrarian Revolution more so its effects which transformed the agricultural sectors across the European landscape with new technological advancements which led to an increase in the amount of food produced as well as the quality. This essential led to a reduction in the state of poverty that most Europeans were faced with even a reduction in malnutrition and the likelihood of catching diseases. 


2.      Navigable Rivers and Creation of Canals created an ideal situation for the goods and services available across England to now become more easily accessible and also at a reduced cost. Rivers and canals provided an opportunity also for Britain to become more connected as an economy and helped to develop and create new systems of communication across the regions.


3.      Improvement in Ships allowed quicker and more efficient communication and transportation networking across Great Britain and also it allowed by more items to be taken to areas which needed vast quantities of food items. Not only that but it also allowed for the raw materials extracted to get to the developing factories in a larger quantity and that much faster. How did they manage this? Ships were now designed with larger hulls so as to carry more commodities. Also, better techniques in ship building allowed the ships to travel faster. Example moving from ships powered by roaring men to those powered by winds and later on to those powered completely by steam.


4.      Great Britain had a large supply of raw materials which was currently untapped and waiting to e used. The transformation that had taking place in the Agricultural revolution was now allowing the citizens to accessing all available resources such as coal, petroleum and even traditional trees to lumber manufacturing.


5.      Oversees Colonies such as Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago also provided a whole host of raw materials needed in the developing phases of the Industrial period. Four vital materials coming out of the Caribbean were Indigo which was used as a dye, Tobacco, Cotton which was used for making cloth/items of clothing and most importantly sugar which was used as a sweetener.

 Share your views in the comments on these causes of the Industrial Revolution and also indicate what you think may be other causes.


Unknown said…
Great blog😁😁
Unknown said…
This is a very informative, helpful, and important blog due to how it has some of the causes of the industrial revolution.
Anonymous said…
Capitalism this is an essential component leading to the rise of industrialization. So with capitalism a country would have to economic and political system in which the country's industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by state. Capitalism is one of the three main factors of production. The other two factors of production are land and labor so this means a country has to have all these factors to Industrialize. Within Capitalism a country has to have a sable government without wars so that laws can be passed. Capitalism cause countries to have colonisise small countries that haven't not already Industrialized. Here a example: England colonisised Jamaica and it was until Jamaica Industrialized it gain independence and England didn't colonisise Jamaica any more.

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