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The Faces of Religion


The Faces of Religion


All religious groups of the world have a multiplicity of characteristics in common which help adherents in their development of feeling apart of these groups. Ultimately the many faces of religion serve as its mark of identity. These dimensions/faces are all important and thus form a critical feature religion right across the world. Let’s see if your able to identify the dimensions/sides of religion in the poem below;



Faces of Religion


Mythical creatures plague the world that we know, their found in the books of the modern era and even those of old such as the Bible, the Koran and more.  They thrill us with great experiences and cause emotions to flood over our soul. They have social events that help us along to renew your faith and to help you to be strong.


 Social struggles religion can fix but without the beliefs then its hard for you’ll to mix. Doctrines of many gods and even of one; physical struggles designed by man. When will it end when will cease our emotions and experiences is getting weak?


I want to express myself but a cant speak my; I’m in an ethical dilemma that where a wont peace. The legal framework of society makes me feel sad if it wasn’t for my hope in God then I’d go mad. So right at this moment ama just chill put my hope in the father and try not to get killed.


Unknown said…
Line 1. Mythical
Line 2 and 6.Experiential
Line 3 and 4. Social
Line 5. Doctrines
Line 5. Physical
Line 7. Ethical
Line 8. Legal
Unknown said…
Mythical creatures
Unknown said…
emotional side
doctrinal side
legal side
emotional side
Unknown said…

-The Ritualistic side
-The Emotional or
Experiental Side
-The Mythical or Narrative Side
-The Legal Side
-The Ethical Side
-The Material /Geographical /Physical side
-The Doctrinal side
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Morning miss/sir I found nine. Mythical, emotional, doctrinal, physical, legal, ethical, ritualistic, material, narrative sides
Unknown said…
The faces of religion

Experiential - Emotional
Mythical - Narrative
Legal side
Ethical side
Doctrinal side
Material - Geographical, Physical
Unknown said…
The Mythical Side
The Ethical Side
The Doctrinal Side
The Material Side
The Emotional Side
The Legal Side
Unknown said…
The faces i identified were:
Experimental- the writer states that his/her emotions are flooding their soul
mythical- they speak of mythical creatures and the books they heard about it coming from
doctrinal- he/her states "doctrines of many gods and even of one physical struggles designed by man"
material- the talk about the books of the different religions
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Myth, Doctorial, Ethnic ,Ritual Social, Material
Unknown said…
The Ritualistic side is one of the faces of Religion
The Emotional Side is another face of Religion
Mythical side is another face of Religion
Legal\Ethical side is another face of Religion
Doctrinal side is another face of Religion
The Material side is another face of Religion
The Social side is the other face of Religion

Thank u
Unknown said…
Mythical, Emotional, Social, Doctrine, Ethical and legal
Unknown said…
The first stanza includes the following dimensions of religion: Mythical, Social, Material, Experiential/Emotion. The second stanza includes: Social, Doctrines, Emotions/Experiential. For the last stanza dimensions of religion in includes: Ethical, Legal, Emotional,.
Unknown said…
Mythical creature- Mythical side
books- Material side
experiences and emotions- Emotional side
Social struggles- Social side
Doctrines- Doctrinal side
ethical- Ethical side
legal- Legal side
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Mythical, social, doctrines, ethical and legal sides.
Unknown said…

Anonymous said…
1. Mythical
Anonymous said…

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